TAMPA (BLOOM) What you eat won’t change the sequence of your DNA, but your diet has a profound effect on how you “express” the possibilities encoded in your DNA. The foods you consume can turn on or off certain genetic markers which play a major, and even life or death role in your health outcomes.

Dr. Cathleen Gerenger joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to share foods you can eat to beat disease.

“Many foods contain bioactive chemicals packed with antioxidant properties. These antioxidants act as a shield, neutralizing free radicals that can damage DNA.”, said Dr. Gerenger. She went on to say, “By doing so, the lower cellular stress and ensure the smooth functioning of our genes, just as a protective cover keep a vinyl record from being scratched.”

Dr. Gerenger says mushroom are miraculous when it comes to protecting your health. “Lion’s Mane & Maitake are potent DNA guardians.”, said Dr. Gerenger. She went on to say, “Lion’s Mane stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor, fortifies DNA structures. It also shows potential in inhibiting the growth of cancerous cells.”

Dr. Gerenger said Maitake mushrooms boost immune response and directly aiding in the protection of DNA, anti-cancer benefits by suppressing tumor growth.

She also shared the power of introducing ginger and turmeric into your diet as anti-inflammatory properties. “Studies have shown these two roots can even reverse DNA mutations that could lead to cancer.”, said Dr. Gerenger.

Next up, Dr. Cathleen says keep an eye out for Chinese eggplant in your produce isle. “These are packed with nasunin, a potent anti-oxidant, it protects cell membranes from damage and can hinder the spread of cancerous cells.”, said Dr. Cathleen.

Dr. Gerenger said she tries to help her patients add foods to their diets first before trying to restrict.