TAMPA (BLOOM) – Sandra Bean, M Ed the Founder & CEO St Pete Girl Boss joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom with behavioral strategies to maximize our lives.
Bean shared her top three tips for the holidays:
- Check in and be mindful of your own energetic bandwidth, and that of your kids.
What that means is: what drains you? What energizes you? Are you an introvert or extrovert? How about your kids? Anyone neurodivergent or going through a developmental phase?
These are all things that can help you better manage your commitments and expectations, so you can enjoy what means something to you and skip what does not.
- Drink actual water and eat actual food, especially if you are neurodivergent or have been through something recently. What this means is: pack snacks.
It will keep you resourced and thinking, driving, and spending more clearly– BUT. grant yourself grace in enjoying treats that only come out once a year. You may even crave sugar if you have ADHD or are running on empty, so prioritize protein. Hangry is not a good look when you are out and about.
- Keep your bedtime routine.
It is super tempting to stay up late but try to practice sleep hygiene. For adults, this can be as simple as giving yourself an actual bedtime and reading in bed for a half an hour before instead of scrolling. I find it helpful to brain dump in a journal and set it away from my bed! It can ease my mind and let me actually rest. With ADHD or autism, sleep disruption is common, and this is just one way to support your needs.