TAMPA (BLOOM) – Most people dread the “spring forward” time change, but experts say the “fall back” time change, which occurs when daylight saving time (DST) ends and the clocks are set back by one hour, can also impact sleep.
Licensed Psychologist, Daniel Baughn, Ph.D., joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the global health and wellness show Bloom to share how time changes can have various impacts on our health and well-being.
Dr. Baughn said now is the time to start preparing yourself for the time change. “Create a wind down routine that involves all 5 of your senses.” said Dr. Baughn.
- Touch: soft bathrobe before bed, fluffy pillows, massaging my hands or forehead before bed, etc.
- Sight: dimming the lights after a certain time in the evening, turning off my phone/tablet/computer/tv after a certain time in the evening, increasing the use of softer warm or red lighting before bedtime, reading an easy or relaxing book before bedtime.
- Sound: listening to relaxing tunes like classical music (but skip songs that have words), listening to white noise (white noise combines all noise frequencies to create a steady background hum that drowns out other sounds that can keep you up), listening to pink noise (natural sounds like falling rain and the sounds of the wind or ocean are in the pink noise category), or listen to a sleep podcast story.
- Smell: adding lavender essential oils to my scent diffuser (lavender has been shown to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, potentially putting you in a more relaxed state), lighting my favorite candle scent, opening the bedroom window to breathe in some crisp outdoor air, use a laundry detergent or fabric softener that does not cause allergies to react, applying your favorite scented lotion, or buying a new lotion scent only to be used at bedtime.
- Taste: brewing some decaffeinated fruit tea like peach tea or some calming herbal tea like lavender tea.
After the time change here are a list of Dr. Baughn’s tips to adjust to the new time:
- Stick to your regular wake up time
- Turn on your lights or go outside for sunshine
- Get up out of bed and start your day
- Things you can do to help after the time change
- Stick to your regular wake up time
- Read a self-help insomnia book like The Insomnia Workbook by Stephanie Silberman or the Sleep Workbook by Renata Alexandr
- Listen to the “Sleep Takeout” Podcast everywhere you find podcasts
- Find a therapist that does CBT-I like myself