Girl in the Picture is a Netflix original documentary film centered around a young girl named Suzanne Sevakis, who was abducted by Franklin Delano Floyd and then raised as his daughter.
Over the course of the next two decades, she was sexually assaulted by Floyd, forced to marry him and ultimately died in a suspicious hit-and-run accident in 1990.
The documentary has disturbing ties to Tampa Bay, when reveals Suzanne Sevakis danced at Tampa’s nude club Mons Venus.
The documentary implied Sevakis- was not there by choice, and was turning over her earnings to her step father turned husband, Franklin Delano Floyd.
The director of Created Jillian Penhale joined Gayle Guyardo the host of the nationally syndicated health and wellness show Bloom to share how her team of volunteers go into Bay Area strip clubs to rescue young women who are being forced into the sex industry.
Bloom airs in 40 markets across the country, with a reach of approximately 36 million households, and in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Madison, WI.
You can watch Bloom in the Tampa Bay Market weekdays at Noon on WTTA: Spectrum 1006; Frontier 514; DirecTV 38; Dish 38; Comcast 43, and look for Bloom early mornings on WFLA News Channel 8.