PASCO COUNTY, Fla. (BLOOM) — In today’s Kids Corner, it is Girl Scout cookie season! One local scout who says being a Girl Scout is so much more than Thin Mints and Tag-a-Longs.
One way Pasco County 7th grader Khadija Abukhaled and her two sisters land the deal when selling girl scout cookies, is with songs they created, catching the attention of those passing by their booth.
But, she says she didn’t always have that confidence. In fact, being a Girl Scout has taught her a lot in life. You can tell by taking one look at her vest, covered with badges she’s earned.
“Some of my favorite badges are canoeing and kayaking badges,” Abukhaled said.
Of course, there’s a badge for selling cookies. This year, Abukhaled has a lofty goal of selling 4,000 boxes of cookies, and she says she’s halfway there! Going door to door, or selling cookies at her booths teaches skills she says will help her in life.
“I think I’ll carry business ethics, money management, people skills, decision making, those kinds of skills which I think will be really useful,” she said.
The money from sales goes straight into our local Girl Scouts programs, in our case, the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, which supports girls and councils covering 8 counties in our area.
If you know someone interested in becoming a Girl Scout, click here.