PANAMA CITY, Fla. (WFLA) — Gov. Ron DeSantis called Sunday’s 60 Minutes special on Florida’s “chaotic” vaccine rollout a “pile of horse manure.”
60 Minutes ran a 13-minute piece Sunday criticizing the governor’s role in Florida’s vaccine rollout, focusing on his decision to partner with Publix after the supermarket’s $100,000 donation to his political action committee. 60 Minutes reporter Sharyn Alfonsi called it a “game changing move.”
Another criticism, Alfonsi noted, is that Publix wasn’t easily available to everyone, especially seniors in poorer communities, but it was chosen anyway.
“They cut out everything that showed that their narrative was a piece of horse manure,” DeSantis said in Panama City Tuesday. “They knew what they were doing was a lie. I knew what they were doing was a lie … They know that we know they’re lying and they continue to lie.”
DeSantis said the state offered 60 Minutes more information on their vaccination strategy but they declined to interview key people, “because they didn’t want to let go of the narrative.”
“I know corporate media thinks they can just run over people. You ain’t running over this governor. I’m punching back.”
Alfonsi has faced backlash from democrats, including Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner, who called her report “intentionally false.”
“I was never contacted or included to give the straight facts about how these decisions were made,” Kerner said. “The reporting was inaccurate.”