Parents like Laurie Jason and Brenda Tobey want a just conclusion for their kids.

“She doesn’t like the uncertainty. ‘Am I going to this school this year? Not going to this school next year?'” Jason said.

The school rezoning issue that’s plagued dozens of students, specifically those at J.W. Mitchell High School and Seven Springs Middle School, will soon come to an end.

Pasco County Superintendent Kurt Browning favors a plan presented months ago.

“So my plan basically goes back to what the school board previously adopted, what was previously upheld by the administrative law judge,” he said.

That plan was contested by a group of parents who claim the decision was not done out in the open.

A judge agreed, saying it violated the law.

Browning wants to adopt that plan with minor tweaks.

Parents will have one last chance to sound off at a meeting Tuesday.

“They have not accomplished any of the goals they set out to do. I also think that it’s basically the same exact map that was overruled by a judge,” said parent Michele McPheron.

Browning weighed dozens of comments from parents and taxpayers before deciding to keep the plan as is.

He thinks it will benefit students and the community as the county’s population continues to grow.

“We’re not going to do anything we believe would adversely affect [the] kids,” he said.

A final decision is expected by the school board on May 1.

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