COOKEVILLE, Tenn. (WGHP)– Many patients with tornado-related injuries who have damaged homes won’t get a bill from the Cookeville Regional Medical Center, the Herald Citizen reports.
The hospital treated 82 people who were hurt in the storms.
The hospital will bill the patient’s insurance provider and write off the patient portion of the cost for their hospital stay, according to CRMC Chief Financial Officer Steve Ramey.
“We’re going to bill the insurance and accept the insurance payment as payment in full,” Ramey said. “None of the patients will get a bill from us.”
Ramey told the Herald-Citizen that patients will have to notify the hospital if they were billed. However, patients may still be charged for their ambulance ride and treatment from individual physicians, among other stipulations.
“We’re trying to contact all those hospitals to let them know how we’re handling it,” Ramey said. “We don’t know what they’ll do, but this is what we’re doing.”
As a result of the tornadoes, at least 24 people have been reported dead with many others still missing.