FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A Fort Worth hospital has stopped plans to end life support for a 9-month-old girl.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports the family of Tinslee Lewis said Cook Children’s Medical Center told them Sunday that a ventilator will not be removed Sunday night as planned.

The girl’s mother, Trinity Lewis, said hospital officials believe the girl will not recover and the family wants more time to find another hospital to care for her. She said she didn’t know if the hospital still plans to remove the ventilator, or when.

Hospital spokeswoman Winifred King said officials believe Tinslee’s best interest is to “free her from artificial … intervention and suffering” because of a heart defect, lung disease and hypertension

The family of a 9-year-old girl sued the hospital last year to stop the removal of a ventilator, but the girl died hours after a court granted the request.

Information from: Fort Worth Star-Telegram,