WASHINGTON (Nexstar) — The nationwide shortage of EpiPen continues but there are alternatives you can use when a life-threatening allergic reaction happens.

While most families are shopping for notebooks and new jeans, the parents of kids who suffer from severe food allergies also have to ensure they have epinephrine auto-injectors both at school and at home.

“To help their child be safe and included in all activities,” said Lisa Gable with Food Allergy Research an Education.

Gables said there continues to be shortages of the most commonly known injector — EpiPen.

The Food and Drug Administration urges people to keep and use their EpiPen for up to four months past their expiration date — but get immediate medical assistance afterward.

The FDA also fast-tracked approval of alternative injectors to fight allergic reactions.

“The challenge is those products are not accessible and available at all medical centers as well as retail operations,” Gable said.

Most national pharmacies carry only the EpiPen brand but that is slowly changing.

“Kaleo recently got Auvi-Q, so that it could be introduced a Walgreens,” Gable said.

You can find a list of independent pharmacies that carry alternative injectors on Healthmart.com.

Ensuring that prescriptions are not written for a specific brand name will improve the odds of getting the prescription filled by pharmacies and covered by your insurance.

“Make sure that you get as much flexibility in the way that they write that prescription,” Gable said.