TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Covering topics ranging from immigration to gender identity, more than 200 bills officially became laws in Florida on Saturday, July 1.
During the 2023 legislative sessions and special sessions held throughout the year, the Florida Legislature passed and Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a number of bills on education, transgender health care, insurance, immigration and more.
Here is a look at the headline-making legislation that took effect on Saturday.
SB 1718 cracks down on businesses that hire undocumented immigrants and provides $12 million for Gov. Ron DeSantis’ migrant relocation program. Hospitals that accept Medicaid must also ask patients about their immigration status on intake forms, which critics say could deter migrants from seeking care. Companion bill: HB 1617
Insurer Accountability
SB 7052 puts more restrictions on property insurance companies to hold them more accountable for mishandling claims. Insurance providers will face more oversight and regulations as well as larger fines for any wrongdoing. Related: HB 7065
Parental Rights in Education (‘Don’t Say Gay’ expansion )
The legislation, HB 1069, expands the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” law to ban classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades. Related: SB 1320
Permitless Carry
Under HB 543,Floridians who can legally own a gun will no longer need training or a permit to be able to carry concealed firearms. Related: HB 7025, SB 150.
HB 1069 prohibits school staffers from asking students about their preferred pronouns or discussing their own if it “does not correspond to such person’s sex.”
The law says that “a person’s sex is an immutable biological trait and that it is false to ascribe to a person a pronoun that does not correspond to such person’s sex.” Related: HB 5101, SB 1320
The legislation, HB 1521, makes it a crime for a person to use a bathroom intended for the sex opposite of what they’re assigned at birth. Related: SB 1674
Here are the other laws that will take effect on July 1.
- Adoption, SB 1322 (Related: HB 1377)
- Child Support, HB 1087, (Related: SB 536 )
- Children and Young Adults in Out-of-home Care, SB 272 (Related: HB 1101)
- DCF contracts, SB 664, (Related: HB 757)
- Lactation Spaces, SB 144 (Related: HB 87)
- Task Force on the Monitoring of Children in Out-of-Home Care, SB 204 (Related: HB 143 )
- Trauma Screening for Children Removed from Caregivers, SB 1064 (Related: HB 1007)
- Trust Funds/State Opioid Settlement Trust Fund/Department of Children and Families, SB 7030 (Related: HB 5301)
- Charter School Funding, HB 1259 (Related: SB 1328)
- Foreign Gift and Contract Reporting, SB 846 (Related: HB 679)
- Collegiate Purple Star Campuses, SB 732 (Related: HB 845)
- Diversity, equity and inclusion, SB 266 (Related: HB 999)
- Education/Charter School Capital Outlay Funding HB 1259 (Related: SB 1328)
- Education/Charter Schools, K-12 funding, Just Read, Florida!, HB 5101
- Education/Dept. Reports, Child Care Provider Requirements, HB 443
- Education/Graduation Requirements, HB 1 (Related: SB 202)
- Education/ Pre-K -12, SB 240 (Related: HB 7051)
- Education/Restricting Instruction on Sexuality, HB 1069, HB 5101 (Related: SB 1320)
- Education/Year-round School Pilot Program, Annual Reviews HB 1537 (Related: SB 1430)
- Emergency Response Mapping Data, HB 301 (Related: SB 212)
- Florida Virtual School, HB 1597 (Related: SB 926)
- Guidance Services on Academic and Career Planning, SB 196 (Related: HB 141)
- Higher Education, SB 266 (Related: HB 999)
- Higher Educational Facilities Financing, SB 598 (Related: HB 257)
- Higher Education Finances (SB 7026)
- High School Equivalency Diplomas, HB 265 (Related: SB 1004)
- Individual Education Plans, HB 19 (Related: SB 636)
- Interscholastic Activities, HB 225 (Related: SB 308)
- Interscholastic Extracurricular Activities, SB 190 (Related: HB 259)
- Interstate Education Compacts, HB 1125/ HB 1127 (Related: SB 1446)
- Just Read, Florida!, K-12 Funding & Charter and Developmental Research Schools, HB 5101
- K-12 Education, HB 633 (Related: SB 1236)
- K-12 Teachers, HB 1035 (Related: SB 244)
- Menstrual Hygiene Products in Public Schools (HB 389)
- Postsecondary Educational Institutions, HB 931 (Related: SB 958)
- Pronouns in schools, HB 1069 (Related: SB 1320)
- Public School Student Progression for Students with Disabilities, SB 290 (Related: HB 223)
- Required African-American Instruction (HB 551)
- School start times, HB 733 (Related: SB 1112)
- School vouchers for all, HB 1 (Related: SB 202)
- Student Online Personal Information Protection, SB 662 (Related: HB 699)
- Student Outcomes, HB 7039 (Related: SB 1424)
- Substitution of Work Experience for Postsecondary Education Requirements, SB 1310 (Related: HB 1109)
- Technology in K-12 Public Schools, HB 379 (Related: SB 52)
- Term Limits for District School Board Members (HB 477)
- Workforce Education and Internship Pilot Program, SB 1190 (Related: HB 1337)
- Year-round School Pilot Program, HB 891 (Related: SB 1564)
- Apalachicola Bay Area of Critical State Concern, HB 407 (Related bill: SB 702)
- Designation of Brevard Barrier Island Area as Area of Critical State Concern, HB 1489 (Related: SB 1686)
- Energy, SB 284 (Related: HB 1025)
- Environmental Protection, HB 1379 (Related: SB 1632)
- Flooding and Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Studies, HB 111 (Related: SB 1170)
- Preemption Over Utility Service Restrictions, HB 1281 (Related: SB 1256)
- Restoration of Osborne Reef, HB 641 (Related: SB 546)
- Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiative, SB 724 (Related: HB 1181)
- Shared-Use Nonmotorized Trail Network (SB 106)
- Water and Wastewater Facility Operators, SB 162 (Related: HB 23)
- Agency for Persons with Disabilities, HB 1517 (Related: SB 1594)
- Biomedical Research (HB 5303)
- Blood Clot and Pulmonary Embolism Policy Workgroup, SB 612 (Related bill: HB 483)
- Certified Nursing Assistants, SB 558 (Related: HB 351)
- Children’s Initiative Projects, HB 625 (Related: SB 1578)
- Department of Elderly Affairs, SB 1396 (Related: HB 1411)
- Department of Health, HB 1387 (Related: SB 1506)
- Education and Training For Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Forms of Dementia, HB 299 (Related: SB 1182 )
- Genetic Counselors Using Telehealth, SB 218 (Related: HB 117)
- Mental Health Treatment, HB 1349, (Related: SB 1412)
- Protection from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices, SB 252 (Related: HB 1013, HB 1015)
- Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, HB 33 (Related: HB 35, SB 56)
- Public Records/Protection from Discrimination Based on Health Care Choices, SB 238 (Related: SB 252, HB 1013, HB 1015)
- Sickle Cell Disease Medications, Treatment, and Screening, SB 1352 (Related: HB 1481)
- Substance Abuse Services, SB 210 (Related: HB 295)
- Suicide Prevention, SB 914 (Related: HB 655)
- Telehealth Practice Standards, HB 267 (Related: SB 298)
- Transgender health care (HB 1421)
- Trust Funds/State Opioid Settlement Trust Fund/Department of Children and Families, SB 7030 (Related: HB 5301)
- Withholding or Withdrawal of Life-prolonging Procedures, HB 1119 (Related: SB 1098)
- Abandoned and Historic Cemeteries, HB 49 (Related bill: SB 430)
- Florida Museum of Black History, HB 1441, (Related bill: SB 1606)
- Affordable Housing, SB 102
- Disposal of Property, SB 678 (Related: H 763)
- Fees in Lieu of Security Deposits, HB 133 (Related: SB 494)
- Housing, SB 102 (Related: HB 627)
- Limiting Real Estate Appraisers’ Actions, HB 213 (Related: SB 398)
- Property Owners’ Right to Install, Display, and Store Items, HB 437 (Related: SB 1454)
- Real Property Fraud, HB 1419 (Related: SB 1436)
- Registrations and Transfers of Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning System Manufacturer Warranties, HB 1203 (Related: SB 1242)
- Residential Loan Alternative Agreements, SB 770 (Related: HB 861 )
- State Estate Tax, HB 619 (Related: SB 278)
- Building Construction, HB 89 (Related bill: SB 512)
- Mid-Bay Bridge Authority, Okaloosa County (HB 1643)
- Public Construction, SB 346 (Related: HB 383)
- Rural Development, HB 1209 (Related: SB 1482)
- Specialty Contractors, HB 1383 (Related: SB 1570)
- Catalytic Converters, SB 306 (Related: HB 185)
- Certified Peer Specialist Gateway Pilot Program, HB 1045 (Related: SB 1012)
- Chiefs of Police, HB 935 (Related: SB 998)
- Clerks of Court, HB 977 (Related: SB 1130)
- Controlled Substances, HB 365 (Related: SB 280)
- Controlled Substance Testing, SB 164 (Related: H 165)
- Custody and Supervision of Specified Offenders, HB 537 (Related: SB 528)
- Deceased Individuals, HB 233 (Related: HB 789, SB 490, SB 492)
- Domestic Violence, SB 130 (Related: HB 97)
- Emergency Communications, SB 1418 (Related: HB 745)
- Human Trafficking, SB 7064, (Related: HB 7045)
- Inmate Welfare Trust Fund, SB 7018, (Related: HB 1219)
- Juvenile Justice, SB 7014 (Related: HB 939)
- Missing Persons, SB 1332 (Related: HB 1039)
- Operation and Administration of the Baker Act, HB 829 (Related: SB 938)
- Operation New Hope, HB 1207 (Related: SB 1198)
- Problem-solving Courts, SB 508 (Related: HB 1227)
- Public Records/Human Trafficking Victims, SB 1210 (Related: HB 841)
- Public Records/Investigations by the Department of Legal Affairs and Law Enforcement Agencies, SB 1648, SB 262 (Related: HB 1549)
- Pub. Rec./Investigative Genetic Genealogy Information and Materials, HB 1327 (Related: SB 1402)
- Pub. Rec./Inspectors and Investigators/DACS, HB 1215 (Related: SB 1166)
- Public Records/Judicial Assistants, SB 50 (Related: HB 75)
- Pub. Rec./Safe School Officers, HB 7025/HB 543 (Related: SB 152)
- Rapid DNA Grant Program, HB 1105 (Related: SB 1140)
- Real Property Fraud, HB 1419 (Related: SB 1436)
- Rights of Law Enforcement Officers and Correctional Officers, HB 95 (Related: SB 618)
- Sealing Court Records, SB 376 (Related: HB 593)
- Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking, SB 1690 (Related: HB 1557)
- Solicitation of Minors to Commit Lewd or Lascivious Act, HB 431 (Related: SB 486)
- Victims of Crime, HB 667 (Related: SB 510)
- Violent Offenses Committed Against Criminal Defense Attorneys, SB 384 (Related: HB 71)
- Visiting County and Municipal Detention Facilities, HB 119 (Related: SB 1510)
- Ethics Requirements for Officers and Employees of Special Tax Districts, HB 199 (Related: SB 620)
- Interests of Foreign Countries, SB 264 (Related: HB 1355)
- Manatee County (HB 1083)
- Lake Padgett Estates Independent Special District, Pasco County (HB 567)
- Local Government, SB 718 (Related: HB 41)
- Local Government Comprehensive Plans, SB 540 (Related: HB 359)
- Residency of Local Elected Officials, HB 411 (Related: SB 444)
- Sarasota County (HB 1175)
- Benefits, Training, and Employment for Veterans and Their Spouses, HB 139 (Related bill: SB 858
- Death Benefits for Active Duty Servicemembers, HB 621 (Related: SB 1094)
- Dental Services for Veterans, HB 635 (Related: SB 366)
- Education of Dependents of Deceased or Disabled Servicemembers, Prisoners of War, and Persons Missing in Action (HB 339)
- The Florida State Guard (HB 1285)
- Termination of Agreements by a Servicemember, SB 574 (Related: HB 73)
- Veterans’ Services and Recognition, HB 485 (Related: SB 824)
- Advertisements for Legal Services, HB 1205 (Related: SB 1246)
- Broadband Internet Service Providers, HB 1221 (Related: SB 626)
- Central Bank Digital Currency, SB 7054 (Related: HB 7049)
- Commercial Financing Product Brokers and Providers, HB 1353 (Related: SB 1624)
- Consumer Protection, HB 1185, (Related: SB 1398)
- Debt Management Services, HB 599 (Related: SB 628)
- Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, HB 1279 (Related: SB 1164)
- Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services, HB 1307 (Related: SB 1150)
- Department of Business and Professional Regulation, HB 869 (Related: SB 782)
- Drone Delivery Services, SB 1068 (Related: HB 1071)
- Economic Programs, SB 1664 (Related: HB 5)
- Issuance of Special Beverage Licenses, HB 639 (Related: SB 1262)
- Kratom Consumer Protection Act, HB 179, (Related: SB 136)
- Money Services Businesses, HB 607 (Related: SB 532)
- Motor Vehicle Sales, HB 637 (Related: SB 712)
- Labor Pool Act, SB 1154 (Related: HB 895)
- Licensing Fee Relief, HB 1091 (Related: SB 7046)
- Public Records/Broadband Opportunity Program, SB 552 (Related: HB 1437)
- Sales of Firearms and Ammunition, SB 214 (Related: HB 221)
- Taxation, HB 7063 (Related: SB 7062)
- Temporary Commercial Kitchens, SB 752 (Related: HB 415)
- Capitol Complex, SB 2506 (Related: HB 5201)
- Collective Bargaining, SB 2504 (Related: HB 5005)
- Implementing the General Appropriations Act, SB 2502, (Related: HB 5003)
- Elections (SB 7050)
- Electronic filing of records with Dept. of State, SB 948 (Related: HB 909)
- Form of Candidate Oath, SB 666 (Related: HB 707)
- Government and Corporate Activism, HB 3 (Related: SB 302)
- Monuments, HB 1189 (Related: SB 1020)
- Library Cooperative Grants, SB 726 (Related: HB 643)
- Prohibited Applications on Government-issued Devices, SB 258 (Related: HB 563)
- Removal of Unknown Parties in Possession, HB 441 (Related: SB 522)
- Statutorily Required Reports, SB 234 (Related: HB 1009)
- Amusement Park Ride Safety, SB 902, SB 904 (Related: HB 1241)
- Enforcement of School Zone Speed Limits, HB 657 (Related: SB 588)
- Fire Sprinkler System Projects, HB 327 (Related: SB 408)
- Funding Motorcycle Safety Education, SB 838 (Related: HB 709)
- Natural Emergencies, SB 250 (Related: HB 7057)
- Public Safety, HB 543 (Related: SB 150)
- Roller Skating Rink Safety, SB 1458 (Related: HB 1129)
- School Bus Passing Infractions, SB 766 (Related: HB 741)
- Venomous Reptiles, HB 1161 (Related: SB 1266)
- Commercial Service Airport Transparency and Accountability, HB 1123 (Related: SB 1646)
- Department of Transportation (HB 1305)
- Space Florida, HB 7041 (Related: SB 7048)
- Spaceflight Entity Liability, SB 1318 (Related: HB 839)
- Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority, HB 155 (Related: SB 198)
- Transportation, HB 425 (Related: SB 64)
- Transportation Facility Designations, HB 21 (Related: SB 96)
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act, HB 645 (Related: SB 908)
- Vessel Regulations, HB 847 (Related: SB 1082)