SARASOTA CO. Fla. (WFLA) — Bank accounts that were frozen six years ago as part of a multi-million-dollar fraud investigation have finally been released to the defendant’s family.
Sarasota County investigators initially tied up several accounts connected to attorney Adam Miller, 44, of Venice, after he was arrested in 2017 for taking more than $2 million from clients.
His wife Tricia Miller said the arrest was a shock.
“My life changed the moment I looked out that peep hole,” Miller said. “I had no idea.”
Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office detectives were on the other side of the door, ready to search the family’s home and handcuff her husband. Less than a year later, he pleaded guilty to one fraud count, and no contest to four additional fraud counts.
Miller was sentenced to 10 years in prison, 35 years probation and was ordered to pay more than $2 million in restitution.
Court records indicate the accounts in the names of his children were not funded by the crime and were cleared to be released nearly three years ago.
“We’ve been trying to get this money since 2020,” Miller’s wife said.
She said a Wells Fargo representative claimed a check was returned to the company about two years ago after it was mailed to an address on record with the bank.
Miller said getting another check sent out was impossible.
“I kept getting, we’ll send it to legal,” Miller said. “And then I would follow up. No response or they hadn’t heard anything. We got nowhere until I contacted [8 On Your Side.]”
8 On Your Side reached out to Wells Fargo on Miller’s behalf and asked what was causing the delay. Within a few weeks, the new checks were issued to Miller.
“I cried in the parking lot,” Miller said.
A Wells Fargo spokesperson said the company is “pleased the issue has been resolved.”
“We have been working to resolve this issue in a timely manner, while following legal requirements,” the spokesperson said. “Unfortunately, we were unable to complete this work until we received the necessary information to extend the funds.”
Miller said she believes part of the problem was what she called “guilt by association.”
“We had a lot of people that assumed that I was in on it,” Miller said. “You’re not believed simply because my husband committed this crime.”