NEW YORK (NEXSTAR MEDIA) — A bet is a bet, and Canadian tennis star Eugenie Bouchard is a woman of her word.

On Wednesday, Bouchard, 22, went on a blind date with a man named John Goehrke after a wager made via Twitter during Super Bowl LI.

With the Falcons up 21-0 in the first half, Bouchard tweeted that she knew Atlanta was going to top Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. That’s when Goehrke made his move.

As we now know, Brady led the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history, leading the Pats to a 34-28 overtime victory and a date for Goehrke.

Bouchard followed up to her end of the deal, snapping photos with Goehrke on their way to the Brooklyn Nets game Wednesday night. Photographers snapped photos of the pair enjoying the game courtside.

No word on whether there will be a second date.