BOSTON (AP) – Questions abound after a judge erased ex-NFL star Aaron Hernandez’s murder conviction in a 2013 killing.

Chief among them: What, if any, wealth did the former New England Patriots tight end leave behind when he hanged himself in prison on April 19?

And could the team be back on the hook for nearly $6 million it withheld from Hernandez after he was charged in the killing and the team released him?

There are no clear answers.

A lawyer who represents the family of the man Hernandez was convicted of killing says he’s seeking copies of Hernandez’s contract with the Patriots and grievances he filed after the team withheld a $3.25 million deferred signing bonus payment and base salary of $2.46 million.

Hernandez was acquitted in a 2012 Boston double slaying days before he killed himself.STORIES THAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON –