HUDSON, Fla. (WFLA) — After weeks of finger pointing and a lack of answers about why the flood insurance he paid for was never put in place, the check to repair Dean Pannasch’s Hudson home finally arrived.
Idalia brought the Gulf onto his street and into his living room, causing tens of thousands of dollars in damage.
It got worse when Pannasch called in his claim only to find out that even though records show he paid for flood insurance, he was not covered.
Pannasch said he got the runaround from everyone involved with his closing, but the finger pointing stopped after 8 On Your Side got involved.
Before the first story about his ordeal even aired, his flood insurance policy was finally activated and backdated, and he was told the check for repairs was in the mail.
“I can’t even begin to tell you,” Pannasch said, when asked what it was like to actually receive the check. “I was all smiles. You don’t know how that affects you until it actually happens to you.”
Heavy rain earlier this month was a flashback for Pannasch but at least this time he knew his property was covered.
He also was better prepared after installing water resistant flooring and shiplap instead of sheetrock. Idalia brought water into his home but thankfully the unnamed storm didn’t even reach his deck near the canal behind the property.
He was relieved his flood-proofing did not a get a test, but concerned about damage caused to other homes on his street.
“There’s still people on this block trying to put their homes together because they didn’t have insurance,” Pannasch said.
Pannasch offers a warning for anyone who thinks they have flood insurance, telling them to double check.
“Absoultely. Because your lender assume you have it. The policy writer assumes so,” Pannasch said. “But if something happened at the closing and they didn’t get the check, you’ll be right there where I was. Everybody pointing the finger at each other.”
There is one ongoing glitch to figure out. The rush to help left him with two flood insurance policies. One from FEMA and one from his lender.
“I don’t believe I was charged a second time,” Pannasch said. “I will figure that out once the repairs are done.”
None of the entities involved in the closing have responded to questions about why Pannasch’s insurance was not established right after his closing.