Last week it was Virginia Beach, 12 shot dead by a former co-worker.

3 years ago this week a terrorist gunned down 42 people at the Pulse Night Club in Orlando, 53 others were wounded.

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, along with Tampa Police Department, and other law enforcement and fire rescue personnel are planning to together to coordinate responses to active shooters and get first aid to victims as quickly as possible.

To do that the plan calls for fire rescue personnel to go into areas in which shooters have struck and that SWAT teams have secured.

A Hillsborough County Fire Rescue power point presentation obtained by 8 On Your Side states in bold lettering  “FIRE RESCUE PERSONNEL WILL NOT HAVE BALLISTIC PROTECTION.”

Now why isn’t that going over well with the firefighters and their union?

Tonight at 6 on News Channel 8.