Above the Christmas tree in Romanita Pacheco’s apartment, mold is growing on the wall and ceiling.

Romanita lives in Bartow at The Manor, a low-income senior community. Taxpayer dollars subsidize hers and others rents. 

Her daughter Wanda says ever since her mother moved in here four years ago, she’s been sick.

“She doesn’t eat, she’s nauseous. Every time I talk to her it’s something new, she’s always sick, always,” Wanda explained.

In Romanita’s bedroom, there is more mold on the wall and ceiling. The smell is strong.

“I don’t like to walk in there, I feel like nausea,” Romanita said.

Going in the bedroom makes her sick right away.

Romanita says she has repeatedly asked management about the recurring mold.

“They said I have to open the window even in winter time,” she added. “Leave the window open and the air conditioning on all the time.”

In the apartment next door lives 74-year-old Angela Nogueras.

“If I stay here, I’m gonna die,” Angela said. 

On Monday she came home from the hospital. As Angela spoke, she coughed and gasped for breath.

“They don’t send you from the hospital like this,” she explained. 

By Tuesday, Angela needed oxygen to help her breathe. The moldy smell affected her.

When I mentioned that I smelled it too, she began weeping.

“You see, I’m not – I’m telling you the truth, I’m telling you the truth. I don’t want to die,” she cried. 

Her doctor wrote a letter to management asking it to address the mold situation.

The mold, he wrote, can cause her airways to become smaller and prevent her from breathing properly, which can lead to hospitalization and even death. 

Westlake Management Company operates The Manor.

Vice President Carlos Pizarro contends the last air test taken at the complex showed the air was clean.

He also said all carpeting was removed from the hallways, as it is more susceptible to gather condensation and produce mold.

The Manor falls under the Lakeland Housing Authority’s jurisdiction.

I went to the housing authority to check on its oversight of the complex. No one was there to answer my questions.

For Wanda, the answer is simple: Get her mother to another apartment or get her out.

“My mom’s really independent so I’m telling her, come home with me,” Wanda explained. “She won’t, she wants to stay here but she’s going to die if she stays here.”

We will continue seeking answers.

If you know of something that you feel should be investigated, call our 8 On Your Side Helpline at 1-800-338-0808 or contact Steve Andrews at sandrews@wfla.com