Consumer Reports: Best sunscreen for your skin in 2020

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) – Now that beaches are open and people are back out in the Florida sun, it’s a good time to remember to use sunblock. But how do you know which one to buy?

“You don’t need to be on a beach to get burned. No matter where you are outside, you need to apply sunscreen to any exposed skin, even if it’s cloudy or not super-hot,” says Trisha Calvo with Consumer Reports.

Wise advice to remember when you’re out on the beach. And you still need to protect yourself even if you’re indoors with the air conditioner cranked up near a sunny window.

“Glass blocks the UV rays that cause sunburn, but it can let through some of the UV rays that are primarily responsible for wrinkles and skin cancer,” says Calvo.

Go into any drug store or grocery store and you often see tons of sunblock options. Consumer Reports tested a number of sunblock brands, taking into account the products’ water-resistance claims.

The two top performers were Trader Joe’s Spray SPF 50+ and Coppertone Ultra Guard Lotion SPF 70.
Each top-rated sunscreen contains an ingredient called Oxybenzone.

“The concern with Oxybenzone is that there is some evidence that it’s absorbed through the skin more than previously thought. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s unsafe, but the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests parents may want to use an Oxybenzone-free sunscreen on their kids,” says Calvo.

Hawaiian Tropic Sheer Touch Ultra Radiance Lotion SPF 50 and Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Weightless Lotion SPF 30 were the highest scoring Oxybenzone free sunscreens in Consumer Reports’ tests.

And parents, you may want to choose lotion sunscreens for kids. Use sprays sparingly, because kids may inhale the spray which could cause lung irritation.