RIVERVIEW, Fla (WFLA) – Hillary Villegas is fed up and dreads going to the mailbox. She says toll violations in her name show up routinely, sometimes multiple bills in one envelope.

So far, the crook using Villegas’ temporary tag number has racked up more than $1,500 in tolls.

The bills come from Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey – and right here in Tampa.

The nightmare started right after Villegas bought her Toyota Camry in September.

“The closer I looked at the image, I realized it was my license plate,” she said. “But it couldn’t be my license plate, because it was on my car.”

Then, she got a new license plate and shredded the temporary tag. Bills kept coming, and she says authorities won’t help.

A 7-passenger van is in all of the photos on the violations.

“This person literally drives across the same bridge about four or five times a week, at the same time, and I can tell by the amount of toll violations,” Villegas said.

“I’m trying to establish my life here in Tampa, and no one will help me. The police won’t help me. EZ pass won’t help, me the DMV won’t help me.”

A spokeswoman for DMV said they are looking into this situation and what can be done to help.

Meanwhile, Villegas is the second person to contact Better Call Behnken about the same problem in the past two weeks.