Tampa couple loses $4,200 after $28 check was stolen, altered and cashed

TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) — Michael Musetta and his wife go to great lengths to keep their money safe. They pay bills with checks and they always hand-deliver those payments to the post office.

So, imagine their surprise when they learned the check they mailed from their local post office in West Tampa was somehow stolen, altered and cashed. And get this: the crook changed the $28 check to Florida Blue insurance company to $4,200 to a stranger.

“I’ve been in contact with the bank,” Musetta said. “They keep saying they’re investigating, they’re investigating. I don’t know what they have to investigate.”

Musetta’s carbon copy of his check shows it was written to Florida Blue for $28 on April 22. The copy of the cashed check he says was provided by his bank, First Horizon, shows the check was cashed on May 11.

Musetta wants his money back while the criminal investigation continues and says he’s getting the runaround from the bank.

Better Call Behnken reached out to the bank and a bank spokeswoman said she could not comment on client information for privacy reasons. She said she would get the information to the right person at the bank to make sure the Musetta was taken care of.

Better Call Behnken will follow up to make sure that happens.

“I need this money,” Musetta said.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General said it is aware of this incident and is under review. The office sent this statement and information for the public:

The U.S. Postal Service employs more than 625,000 employees and is the largest civilian federal workforce in the country.  This type of alleged behavior within the Postal Service is not tolerated and the overwhelming majority of Postal Service employees, which serve the public, are honest, hardworking, and trustworthy individuals who would never consider engaging in any type of criminal behavior.

If you suspect any wrongdoing by U.S. Postal Service employees, submit a Hotline Complaint online.