TAMPA, Fla. (WFLA) —Jean Jones and her daughter, Marta Jones, say they are relieved to finally have the money that was improperly withheld from Jean’s pension check from St. Petersburg College.

It took a little Better Call Behnken intervention to clear up the confusion.

“After the segment aired, that’s when I heard from the college,” Jones says.

They not only heard from the college, a representative drove to their house to hand-deliver a check to Jean for more than $1,200 that was taken out of her pension checks in error.

“They gave mom a check, put it in her hand, very nice and respectful to her, and she got it in the bank the next day,” she said. “I am stunned by how quickly things were resolved, and I think having the segment on air is what clinched it. I really appreciate your efforts. I don’t think, well I know we wouldn’t have been able to solve this on our own.”

The mix-up first occurred in January 2023 when too much money was deducted for health insurance and then again this January when money was deducted for a plan she doesn’t even have.

Investigator Shannon Behnken called the college and was told this occurred during a period of staff transition and they would make adjustments to ensure this does not occur again. Marta and Jean say they’re just happy to longer have to worry about this.