CLEARWATER, Fla. (WFLA) – A 102-year-old Pinellas County man has been living in the summer heat without power for 3 days.

His grandchildren live out of state and said they’ve gotten the run around about who is responsible for fixing the problem.

Myers said since Sunday, he’s spent most of his time under his carport trying to catch a breeze because he has had no electricity inside his home.

“The help of the Lord!” he said with a smile.

Myers said God always gets him through, relying on his faith.

He’s a Navy Veteran and widower to his wife of more than 70 years, Mary. He now lives in a trailer in Embassy Mobile Home Park.

“It’s hot here in Florida; it’s hot,” Myers said.

A pole behind his house fell down Sunday, leaving him and his neighbor without power for days.

“I’m on Facebook,” Myers said. “I can’t charge my iPad; I can’t do anything.”

His grandkids in Texas are worried.

“We were getting conflicting [responses] and no one is taking responsibility, and meanwhile he’s sitting in the trailer, and it’s 95 degrees,” Myers said.

8 On Your Side called Duke Energy asking who is responsible.

They sent a statement, which says:

Duke Energy’s electrical system is essential to meeting customers’ needs, and system reliability is a responsibility that we take seriously. Duke Energy is responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of Duke Energy owned electrical infrastructure. The section of equipment requiring repair is customer owned equipment. The safety of our customers is a top priority. Once the repair is made, an inspection is required by the local city or county, before Duke Energy can reconnect service. Duke Energy is committed to expediting the reconnection once the inspection is complete.

Ana Gibbs, Corporate Communications for Duke Energy

The customer mentioned in the statement is Embassy Mobile Home Park, but park manager Jessie Buchholtz said they’re both responsible.

“It’s a combination of, there is no power there because Duke had to shut it off until we can get an electrician to get the correct parts,” Buchholtz said.

Buchholtz said the pole rotted out, and they can’t get parts to fix it until Thursday.

Meanwhile, Myers is hot.

“The first night was really bad,” Myers said.

“I went and checked into a hotel, 90 bucks,” said Myer’s neighbor.

With no working fridge, Myers said he’s already eating out every meal at Wendy’s and Applebees and didn’t want to spend the extra money.

8 On Your Side asked Buchholtz if they would foot the bill, and she said they would. Myers said that’s news to him, once again, thanking the Lord.

“He helps me all the time, every day, every day, he gets me through!” Myers said.

His neighbor who also doesn’t have power is using a temporary fix, running electricity from his generator into Myers home.

Myers is having his 103rd birthday with family this weekend, so he said he’s happy to have that temporary fix.

Buchholtz said the electric company will be out first thing Thursday morning, and the electricity should be back by Thursday afternoon.